Production of Succinic Acid: Effects of C:N Ratio

Tatiane Araujo Gonzales, Lucielen Oliveira dos Santos, Beatriz Torsani Ubeda, Ranulfo Monte Alegre, Rosana Goldbeck


In this work, the effects of different carbon:nitrogen (C:N) ratios, carbon source and initial carbon concentration, in liquid medium used for submerged fermentation, on biomass growth, succinic acid production and yield of product in substrate (YP/S) were studied. It was used three carbon sources as substrate such as glucose, xylose and sucrose and the C:N ratios studied were in the range of 2.5-35. The succinic acid production was best at a C:N ratio of 12.5:1, as much for the succinic acid production as for the yield of product in relation to the substrate (YP/S). For the biomass growth the C:N ratios of 2.5:1, 5:1 and 10:1 had only presented significant difference with regards to the too much assays. The substrate that presents the best results was the glucose with succinic acid concentrations up to 7.5 g.L-1.

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