Efforts to Prevent the Conflict in the Succession of the Family Business Using the Strategic Collaboration Model

Efrijal Adil, Muhammad Dharma Tuah Putra Nasution, Samrin Samrin, Yossie Rossanty


The issue of succession is important news if there is a generation that involved more than one man. Of course, the possibility of dispute occurs as a result of the difference in the perspective of the successor generation when running the business. The proposed research aims to demonstrate how the process of succession in the family business with Strategic Collaboration Models (SCM). This research includes descriptive qualitative research. The data will be collected with the interview and selection of informants using the purposive sampling technique. In this proposed research, the informants are the founder generation that including family business leaders and potential successor. The result of this research is expected to explain the process of succession through strategic collaboration model. Three phases need to be addressed when the process of succession already from input, process, and output. The input stage is more advancing in training, guidance and direction program for the successor generation. In the process, stages explain how the founder generation can identify the interest and talents of the successor generation. This case is aimed to know whether the business existence related to interest and talent for the successor generations. In output stage will explain how the founder generation and the successor ability to calculate about how much financing required to build a new business. In the family business allows a conflict, so it necessary anticipates with how about the existence of an agreement can separate the business from the founder generation with the business from the successor.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/bmh.v5i2.12206


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