Accountability of Palm Oil Industrial Business Players on the Pollution of the Environment Reviewed from the Aspects of Environmental Crimes

Trionoeddy SH. M.Hum


The problem of the environment is a serious issue that must be addressed by the government and the community as a supervision and reporter of each of the activities of the destroyer of the environment. The pollution and environmental damage continue to increase in line with the increased industrial activity or similar substances; surely the situation needs to get the protection of the law.  The pollution or environmental damage, mostly in the context of running a commercial business and often is also the attitude of rulers and the entrepreneurs who do not run or neglecting the obligations of their obligations in the management of the environment. This research is a descriptive quantitative i.e. with provides an overview of the company that takes the environment around the enterprise. Data collection method in this investigation using bibliographical study (Library Research). The types of data used a secondary data that consists of primary legal materials and secondary legal materials. The waste is the remaining exiles who produced from real production activities in the production scale of domestic or household and production on a larger scale. Industrial waste is a remnant of the captives process of production in certain industries. Industrial waste requires the handling and managing seriously in considering the impact will greater emanate than with domestic waste. The industry is a business or management activities of raw materials or half-goods to be the end goods that have added value to get the benefits. The assembly of the business and repairing is a part of the industry also. The results of this industry do not only in the form of goods but also in the form of services.

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