Teaching English Tenses (grammar) in the Turkish Texts; A Case of Simple Present Tense: Isıl Maketi Iter.

Ercan Tomakin


This study has aimed to show that the English tenses can be taught in the Turkish texts in general; the simple present tense especially. In so doing, firstly an overview of the tenses is briefly explained in the introduction section referring to the tense and grammar distinction. Secondly, the structure of the study is described in the method section. Thirdly, teachers’ (English, Turkish) and students’ views of the topic are descriptively explained in the finding section. As a result, it is seen that covert teaching of the grammar in the Turkish texts may facilitate English (foreign) language teaching to some extent for those who know the Turkish language and use code-learning method.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/ijld.v4i1.5154


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