Supplier Performance Analysis as Transformer Instrument of Shrimp Traceability on Business in East Java
Introduction of supplying the following aspects of food safety related risks is an urgent need in the shrimp business development in Indonesia. this is in accordance with the Marine and Fisheries Decree number 29 of 2003 and Council Directive 96/23/EC and Article 11 of Council Directive 91/493/EEC which was 2.5. point 3, the results of the European Commission inspection in 2004. This study aims to identify and locate the role of traceability in the transformer supplying the Indonesian shrimp business, knowing the consistency and commitment of suppliers in the implementation of traceability and to develop a form of implementation of traceability from sea to table shrimp Indonesia. Analysis of supplier performance using the snow ball effect - the balanced score card approach to consistency and commitment. The results showed that the supplier has a performance advantage in the business post-harvest shrimp as well as more consistent and commitment than the performance of the purchasing department at the factory. Consistency and commitment to supplier performance gain in activity scores very high snowball effect that is achieved: the consistency of 82/90 or 91.1% trust and commitment = 86/90 = 95.6% or trusts. This performance is better than the performance of the purchasing department to achieve consistency factory 76/90 = 85.6% or trust and commitment 75/90 = 84.4% or trusts. Based on these facts the achievements gained in the form of good quality shrimp, weight gain, increase in size and price advantages that definitely is an attraction and stimulation in improving supplier performance motivation. Therefore, the implementation of traceability at the level up stream down stream towards the most appropriate traceability is the active role played by the suppliers.
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Copyright (c) 2013 Angky Soedrijanto, Martani Huseini, Margono Setiawan, Eddy Suprayitno

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Business Management and Strategy ISSN 2157-6068
Copyright © Macrothink Institute
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