The Effect of a Group Counseling Program in Training in Communication Skills to Improve Self-Esteem and Adjustment in Male Children to Divorced Parents
This study aimed to measure the impact of training on communication skills to improve
self-esteem and adapt children to divorced parents.
The study sample consisted of (12) participants in mail children to divorced parents in the
eighth grade in the school of Directorate of Education – Balqa Governorate for the scholastic
year calendar 2012-2013.
The study sample was divided into two groups:- first an experimental group of (6) students
were subjected to collective guidance program on training for communication skills
consisting of eight sessions. Second a control group consisting of (6) students were not
exposed to any address.
The participants in both groups answered a scale of self-esteem and adjustment scale before
and after the application of the program. Results indicated the effectiveness of training on
communication skills program where appeared statistically significant differences in favor of
the experimental group compared to the control group in self-esteem and in the level of
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Copyright (c) 2015 d-Nagham Mohammad Abu-Albasal

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International Journal of Education ISSN 1948-5476
Copyright © Macrothink Institute
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