Implementation of Community Policing Policy In Creating General Security and Order in The City of Bandung, West Java Province
The implementation of community policing policies in creating security and public order in the city of Bandung was revealed according to the Von Meter and Von Horn public policy implementation models, there are six variables that shape the relationship between policy and performance. The implementation of the policy must be able to adjust the condition and situation of the object from the implementation of policies adjusted to the dynamics that occur in the field. There is a finding on the factor that hinders the implementation of community policing policies, including the low quality of the human resources that play the role, inadequate funding resources, lack of community policing policy and the lack of local culture empowerment. A new concept obtained so that the implementation of community policing policies in realizing security and order in the city of Bandung can be carried out effectively, so the author found the OK PRAPTO Model, which is a normative model that yields result according to ASOCA analysis to enable the implementation of the community policing policy in the city of Bandung.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Y Prapto, Ermaya Suradinata, Deti Mulyati, Irwan Thahir

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Journal of Public Administration and Governance ISSN 2161-7104
Copyright © Macrothink Institute
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