The Analysis of Conflict on Implementing Spatial Policy in Tourism Sustainability Develoment Geopark Rinjani-lombok West Nusa Tenggara Province

Johan Bachry


This research was conducted in the Geopark Rinjani Lombok Area by looking at the extent to which Regional Regulation No.3 of 2010 was implemented, how the conflict was and its solutions and how a conflict resolution model was found and recommended to be implemented. This research uses descriptive, exploratory and participatory methods with qualitative and quantitative approaches. Data collected by interviewing informants and respondents as well as observing and documenting. The data analyzed by: Overlay map analysis, descriptive analysis, and scoring analysis.

The result of this study are: 1) It is known that the implementation level of spatial policy is at a fairly good level based on an assessment of the four aspects mentioned by George Edward III namely communication, bureaucratic structure, disposition, and resources. 2) Several types of conflicts were found, namely conflicts over spatial use (Spatial conflicts) and conflicts of authority. 3) Conflict resolution models carried out by the implementor in implementing Regional Regulation on Spatial Planning, namely legalicy model, persuasive/negotiation model, demolition model, socio-cultural approach model, coordination and synchronization model. 4) Researcher formulate an integrative-participatory solution model to resolve conflicts in spatial policy implementation in the Geopark Rinjani Lombok Area. This study also analyzed the implications of the results of the research on the conflict theory proposed by Johan Galtung.

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Copyright (c) 2019 Johan Bachri

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