Creative Education System at Secondary Level in Bangladesh: Teachers’ and Students’ Perspectives
The creative education system is introduced in different stream of Bangladesh education towards developing the ingenious capability of students. The study is an endeavour that tries to know the possibilities and difficulties in the creative education system at the secondary level in Bangladesh from the teachers’ and students’ perceptions. It is an exploratory type of research that used primary and secondary sources of information to look for the problems, underlying the system. To collect primary data, Ambarkhana Girls’ High School & College; and Osmani Medical High School of Sylhet Sadar have been chosen as the study area. From the second tier of the chosen institutions; 60 students and 20 teachers are selected using a systematic random sampling method. The social survey method has been implied in this research and data collected through face to face interview method; along with a few well responded and informed respondents’ in-depth interview. Collected data from the respondents are then analyzed through a mixed research approach. The study findings reveal that most of the students signify the system enjoyable to study, memorizing reduced for textbooks learning, and appearance in examination turned easier. While others find the system confusing, difficult to understand questions and answer in examination hall within limited time. Besides, the system reciprocally encourages students to enrol in coaching centres for a vague idea about question pattern; lack of linkage between book and exam questions; and also, to get good marks. Findings from teachers' evaluation depict that though they welcome the system they are not well prepared to assimilate the system because of inadequate training facilities, absence of inquisitive seeking awareness program, dependence on the readymade question paper, challenges exerted on them to give students attention and proper guidance. The study recommends introducing well-researched textbooks avoiding mistakes, improving integrative classroom learning, controlling coaching business, increasing training facilities for teachers, providing awareness programs to make effective the creative education system in a competitive world of education.
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