Adaptability Features, Proactivity, and Change Readiness: An Empirical Investigation of Public Sector Organisations
This study examined the mediating role of proactivity in the effects of five adaptability features (i.e. work stress coping, creativity, dealing with uncertainty, training and learning, and interpersonal adaptability) on employees’ change readiness. A total of 379 employees of public sector organisations in Malaysia participated in the study. Partial Least Squares-Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) was employed to analyse the proposed model. The results indicate that out of the five adaptability features, three (dealing with uncertainty, training and learning, and interpersonal adaptability) significantly predict proactivity. Proactivity was also found to mediate the effects of these three adaptability features on change readiness. This paper contributes to the change readiness literature by identifying proactivity as mediator in the relationship between adaptability features and change readiness, which has received relatively scant attention. Practical and theoretical contributions are discussed.
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