Assessing the Effectiveness of Online Human Resources Control in Improving Employees’ Performance, During the Pandemic COVID 19, in Lebanon
With the global pandemic of COVID 19 taking place, business organizations had to make their employees work from home. Accordingly, human resources departments had to also apply their functions from home. One of the essential functions of HRM is controlling the performance of employees. When employees had to work from home, HR managers had to apply online control over their employees. The purpose of this research was to identify how HR managers applied online control on their employees and how does online control affect employees’ performance. To conduct the study, online control was assessed, and employees’ performance was measured through employee’s productivity, effectiveness, and efficiency. First of all, a theoretical background has been composed to clearly assess the relation between control and employees’ performance. Previous literature on organizational control provided the secondary data. To collect primary data, a quantitative research was applied on employees within organizations in Lebanon. Accordingly, a questionnaire assessing the application of online control and employee’s performance was designed and distributed online over 250 employees who worked from home. The responses of the respondents were entered into SPSS and analyzed accordingly. The study tested and approved the correlation between online control and each of employees’ productivity, effectiveness, and efficiency. However, correlation between online control and employee’s productivity was strong, yet correlations between online control and each of employee’s effectiveness and efficiency were weak.
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