Pak-American Interest in Democratic Afghanistan Post Election 2014

Muhammad Ibrahim, Razia Mussarat


Pak-America has interested in democratic Afghanistan. The global community has focused on reconstruction and reformation of national institutions for formulation of institutional policies. The democratic model of governance deals democratic institutional development. The global community facilitated security issues in the Afghan for presidential elections 2014. American and NATO forces decided to evacuate Afghanistan after transfer of power post-election 2014. The purpose of paper is definitive objectives of democratization in Afghanistan. Pakistan suffered socially, economic and politically especially in tribal areas as a neighbouring country. Afghanistan based terrorist organization attacked twin towers of U.S.A. The implication of study will support for guidance at the issue of terrorism which has intense effect on civilized world. The descriptive analysis used as tools of research for accomplishment of paper. The findings become helpful in developing awareness in masses for democratization in Afghanistan. The vibrant role of media strengthened democratic institutions which lessened extremism in region. The paper will explain historical context and different political and democratic transformation eras in Afghanistan.

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Journal of Public Administration and Governance  ISSN 2161-7104


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