The Critical Antecedents to Organizational Citizenship Behaviors: Empirical Evidences from North Cyprus Service Industry

Mustafa Daskin, Serdar Saydam, Huseyin Arasli


This empirical study aims to investigate the effect of management commitment to service quality (MCSQ), intrinsic motivation, polychronicity, nepotism, and job satisfaction on hotel frontline employees’(FLEs) organizational citizenship behaviors (OCBs) in hotel setting in North Cyprus. PLS method was used to analyze the hypothesized relationships. This paper presented an integrative model to test the aforementioned effects and relationships. With the exception of the relationship between polychronicity and job satisfaction, all hypothesized relationships were supported. Significantly, while education was found to be negatively related to FLEs’ job satisfaction, on the other hand it was found to be positively related to their OCBs. Also, tenure was found to be positively related with job satisfaction. As a first in the service management literature, this paper provides implications for managers in terms of minimizing the negative effects of nepotism on FLEs’ citizenship behaviors. The current study by adding untried dispositional antecedents such as polychronicity and intrinsic motivation in its conceptual model of OCB in a hotel setting lends further contributions to OCB literature and provides useful guidelines to practitioners as well. This study by being conducted in North Cyprus, sought to expand this line of research by including different sociocultural context that added uniqueness to our model.

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