Policy Implementation and Determinant of Access to Education for Disable Learners in Siaya and Kisumu Counties- Kenya: A Phenomenological Study

Fredrick Ochieng Owuor


Access to education denotes approaches which policies and institutions offering education ensures student have equal chances to acquire knowledge and skills to the maximum without compromising one’s status socially, economically or physically. Well thought policy implementation strategies can assist this, as such the study borrowed heavily from policy implementation theories. Also, the study was based on interpretative epistemic paradigm and focused on policy context and its influence on access to education by engaging experiences of principals, teachers, parents, education officers and learners living with disability in Kenya, The following objectives directed the research; to explore policy context of students living with disability; to analyze factors influencing policy implementation for access to education among student living with disability; and to recommend strategies for improving access to education for learners living with disability. Data was collected in 3 schools within 2 countries. 3 Principals, 2 parents, 2 education officers, 3 disable learners and 18 teachers formed 3 different focus groups with 6 teachers per school that were selected through convenience and purposive sampling technique. The study adopted individual as the unit of analysis, It applied context analysis, daily dairy recording, semi structured interview, and focus group interviews to collect the data. The findings from data analysis shows decision making, awareness, cultural beliefs, Curriculum, Environmental Physical Infrastructural facilities, Teachers Role, Stakeholders/ Government Levels of Authority and Parental support as major factors influencing policy implementation for learners living with disability. The study came up with following policy recommendations.; policy on strategy for decision making in a special school be setup, and policy on research on disability befitting curriculum, facilities, and environmental infrastructural need to be considered among others.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/jpag.v8i2.13276

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