A Scorpion’s Poison Antivenin R&D+i Project Case from a Mexican Public University.
All over the world there is a huge complex problem caused by the sting of poisonous animals. In many countries all around the orb there are some animal species hazardous for human beings. A case from a Mexican University R&D institute- Private firm innovation project about scorpion’s antivenins health area is presented. The scientific-technological allied participant organizations performed a long life cycle innovation project, which includes research and development, knowledge transference, antivenin product development, sales launch and diffusion of the antivenin products to society market contributing with the problem solution within the country overseas.
The scorpion’s poison antivenin basic technology was first developed by the Biotechnology Institute (BIT: Instituto de Biotecnología) from The Autonomous National University of Mexico (UNAM, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México); and it was transferred to a pharmaceutical firm: Silanes* Labs (Laboratorios Silanes) for its commercialization, this Enterprise developed the poison antidote industrial fabrication process through Bioclon*, its research and development Institute. Silanes first launched the antivenin product into the Mexican local market and through the years it developed new markets in some North African countries and in the USA. The R&D trajectories, the market conduit, the intellectual property strategies along the project’s life cycles stages and economic social estimation innovation impact are discussed.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/ber.v2i2.2925
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Copyright (c) 2012 Vega-González Luis Roberto

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Business and Economic Research ISSN 2162-4860
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