Disclosure Causes of Students Error in Resolving Discrete Mathematics Problems Based on NEA as A Means of Enhancing Creativity
This article is based on research cooperation of Foreign Affairs in the first year, which was
carried out between the team of lecturers from the Department of Mathematics Education
Unnes (Indonesia) with Dr. Chin Kin Eng, a lecture of Mathematics Education from Universiti
Malaysia Sabah. The main objective of this research in the first year is to uncover the cause of
the students error in resolving Discrete Mathematics by Newman Errors Analysis (NEA). The
Results of this research will be used as the basis for the subsequent research that reveal the
mathematical creativity of the students. Outcomes of this research is the publication of research
results in the International Journal and seminar at the international level. As a qualitative
research, data collection through an analysis of the results of tests, questionnaires, observations,
and interviews. Data analysis are data reduction, exposure of data, synthesising the data,
triangulation, and the inference/verification. According to research, known that students errors
in resolving discrete mathematics caused by: (1) the student did not know the meaning of a
symbol or an existing term in the problem (Reading Errors), (2) the student did not understand
the meaning of the problem, namely the student fails to write what is known and what is being
asked (Comprehension Errors), (3) students forgot a formula that will be used or
strategy/procedure what to do (Transformation Errors), (4) students could not make the
problem-solving algorithms in sequence and correctly (Process Skills Errors), (5) the student
could not answer according to the question (Encoding Errors), and (6) the student could not
translate well, especially about which was written in English (Language Errors). Errors caused
by carelessness students (Careless Errors) was not found. After giving Learning Therapy for
the provision to resolve a problem through the algorithm and the correct sequence, the causes
of the error of some students could be minimized, so that the number of students who were
experiencing errors could also be reduced. Results of this research became the basis for
continued research in the second year, which will be revealed and developed the mathematical
creativity of students with prepare advanced research instruments.
Full Text:
PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/ije.v7i4.8462
Copyright (c) 2015 Iwan Junaedi, Amin Suyitno, Endang Sugiharti, Chin Kin Eng

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
International Journal of Education ISSN 1948-5476
Email: ije@macrothink.org
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