A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z All
Lailee, Siti Naqiah
Laing, Gregory Kenneth, University of the Sunshine Coast (Australia)
Lajuni, Nelson
Lamego Rezende, Adriana Maria
Lampraki, Angeliki, School of Economic Sciences Department of International & European Economic Studies Athens University of Economics & Business 76 Patission str., 10434, Athens, Greece (Greece)
Lamprakis, Athanasios, Greek Public Procurement Authority Department of Human Resource Management 45 Kefallinias str., 11257, Athens, Greece (Greece)
Landa, Elizabeth
Latif, Fatima
Lee, Jaeeun, Konkuk University (Korea, Republic of)
Lee, Joonghak, Dongguk University (Korea, Republic of)
Lee, Sang H.
Lehyeh, Salman Mohammed Abu
Lei, Chen
Leonardo Cavaliere, Luigi Pio
Leppink, Hans
Ler Kuan, Chan, Sunway College Johor Bahru (Malaysia)
Li, Chiung-Li, Meiho University (Taiwan, Province of China)
Li, Chiung-Li, Meiho University
Li, Chiung-Li (Taiwan, Province of China)
Li, Hung-Yen, Meiho University (Taiwan, Province of China)
Li, KS, Newcastle Graduate School of Business, University of Newcastle, Callaghan NSW, Australia
Li, Mou-Jian (Taiwan, Province of China)
Li, Mou-Jian
Li, Ran
Li, Si
Liang, Sim Jun
Liani, Efrat
Liccione, William J., Walker School of Business & Technology, Webster University Plaster School of Business & Entrepreneurship, Lindenwood University (United States)
Lien, Chew Mei
Lim, Chui Seong
Lim, Jia Ying
Limyothin, Pakorn, Faculty of Management Sciences, Princes of Songkla University, Thailand
Lin, Danny Yung-chuan, Doctoral Student of Department of Finance, National Changhua University of Education (Taiwan, Province of China)
Lin, Mei-Lan, Taiwan Taitung Prison (Taiwan, Province of China)
Lin, Mei-Miao, Meiho University (Taiwan, Province of China)
Lin, Nan, School of Political Science and Public Administration, China University of Political Science and Law (China)
Lin, Yi-Chieh, Meiho University (Taiwan, Province of China)
Lin, Yi-Chien, Meiho University (Taiwan, Province of China)
Lin, Yi-Chien, Department of Applied Foreign Language, Meiho University (Taiwan, Province of China)
Lin, Yi-chien (Taiwan, Province of China)
Linara, Katerina
Lindrayeni, R. A., Universitas Muhammadiyah Palembang (Indonesia)
Ling, Diong Zhi
Lingyun, Zhao, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (Malaysia)
Liu, Liping, International College of National Institute of Development Administration (Thailand)
Loan, Nguyen Thi Phuong
Lodhi, Irfan, Training Advisor, Human Resource Management Academic Research Society (Pakistan)
Long, Choi Sang
Lowe, Debra
Luddin, Muchlis R
Lusianingrum, Farah Putri Wenang
Luturlean, Bachruddin Saleh
Luturlean, Bachruddin Saleh, Telkom University (Indonesia)
1 - 54 of 54 Items
International Journal of Human Resource Studies ISSN 2162-3058
Email: ijhrs@macrothink.org
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