- Individual Learning & Team Learning;
- Learning Strategies;
- Action Learning;
- Educational Learning;
- Self Managed Learning;
- Work-Based Learning;
- Organizational Learning;
- Experiential Learning;
- Social Learning;
- Knowledge Management;
- Training and Development;
- Psychology Development;
- Attitude Development;
- Organization Development;
- Leadership and Management Development;
- Human Resource Management;
- Human Capital Development;
- Sociological Development.
- Australian Research Council (ERA Journal List 2018)
- CrossRef
- EconPapers
- Gale's Academic Databases
- Google Scholar
- Norwegian Social Science Data Services (NSD)
- OCLC-Worldcat
- PKP Open Archives Harvester
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Paper Selection and Publication Process
a). Upon receipt of paper submission, the Editor sends an E-mail of confirmation to the corresponding author within 1-3 working days. If you fail to receive this confirmation, your submission/e-mail may be missed. Please contact the Editor in time for that.
b). Peer review. The review process may take 4-10 weeks.
c). Notification of the result of review by E-mail.
d). The authors revise paper and pay Article Processing Charge (100USD).
e). E-journal in PDF is available on the journal’s webpage, free of charge for download. We aim to post articles within 3 weeks of acceptance.
: Call for Papers |
International Journal of Learning and Development is calling for submission for the issue of Vol. 12, No. 1, March 2022. Authors are encouraged to submit completely unpublished works, which are not under review in any other journals.
For any questions, please contact: ijld@macrothink.org |
Posted: 2022-01-04 | More... |
: Restructure the Editorial Team |
The publisher (Macrothink Institute) is planning to restructure the editorial board. The new editorial board will include the positions of editor-in-chief (one person), associate editors (three to ten persons), editorial assistant (one to three persons) and editorial board members. If you are interested in becoming one of the editorial team members, we welcome you to join us. Please find the application form and details at http://en.macrothink.org/recruitment/ and e-mail the completed application form to ijld@macrothink.org. Thank you. |
Posted: 1969-12-31 | More... |
More Announcements... |
Vol 15, No 1 (2025)
Table of Contents
Quynh Mai Hoang, Tram Bao Mac, Phat Thanh Nguyen, Hung Minh Le, Nguyen Thi My Huyen, Minh Thi Ai Nguyen, Moncef Bari
James P Takona
Michael K. Ponton