Low Cost Robotic Manipulator for Family Agriculture
This article introduces or designs and practices a Gantry pneumatic robotic manipulator for greenhouse automation. The prototype was built on the reduced model for sowing and harvesting vegetables using the familiar concept of agriculture. Low-cost robotic handlers can contribute to improved working conditions in family farming and enable strategies to diversify agricultural activities for low-income families. The system has two degrees of freedom, was mounted on a metal workbench using cylinders and specially manufactured guided cable actuator. The control system includes nonlinear compensations of the servo valves used. Functional tests used step input electrical signals (-4 V to +4 V and -8 V to +8 V) using open loop circuit for robot pressure and positioning control. The results obtained are important for perfecting the robotic manipulator for family farming applications.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/jas.v7i4.15369
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Copyright (c) 2019 Marcia Regina Maboni Hoppen Porsch, Luiz Antonio Rasia, Nelson José Thesing, Patricia Carolina Pedrali, Antonio Carlos Valdiero

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Journal of Agricultural Studies ISSN 2166-0379
E-mail: jas@macrothink.org
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