Impact of Robust Technology- training through E- Learning in Corporate Hotels in India

Renju Mathai


This conceptual paper is an ongoing doctoral research paper. The overall objective of the paper is to identify the impact of E- Learning in the Corporate training Process in the hospitality Industry.  This can be achieved by having a set of well-defined research objectives , to study the perception of management about e-learning as a training tool in the 4 and 5 star corporate group hotels, which will also look into the Advantages & disadvantages of E- learning,  as a training tool in the corporate group hotels, the factors that influence the management to select e-learning as a training tool, identify the practice of implementing e-learning as a tool, to see the roles of training manager  and department managers in the implementation and updating of e-learning as a training tool in the corporate group hotels and finally to evaluate the impact of the e-learning as a training tool in the  corporate group hotels. Continuous learning and training the employees through this media will certainly enhance the performance of the employees. This is one of its kinds of innovative training techniques that will set an example to be benchmark with other groups of hotels, which can be competitive advantage. Most of the hotels in India can feature and implement this robust training.

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