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Basiruddin, Rohaida
Baskaran, Shathees
Bavar, Aidin
Bawazir, Abdullah Abdulaziz, Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Business, UNITAR International University, Malaysia (Malaysia)
Behram, Nihal Kartaltepe, Marmara University, Faculty of Business Administration (Turkey)
behrooz, Amirhesam, M.S. Candidate of Executive Management of Business Administration, University of Tehran (Iran, Islamic Republic of)
behrooz, Amirhossein, Assistant Professor of Master of Business Administration Department (Iran, Islamic Republic of)
Beigi, Mehdi, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Texas at Arlington (United States)
Beke, Jeno, Macrothink Institute (United States)
BELQASMI, Sabrine, National School of Commerce and Management (NSCM) (Acronym in French :ENCG) Tangier Abdelmalek Essaâdi University Tetouan Morocco (Morocco)
Ben Ajmi, Ibtissem Mohamed
Berger, Laura
Billah, Mamun
Bo, Le
Bojadjiev, Marjan
Bojei, Jamil, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) (Malaysia)
Borhan, Halimahton, College of Built Environment (CBE), Universiti Teknologi MARA 40450 Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia.
Bouznif, Maroua M.
Buheji, Mohamed
Bukhari, Nurul Ain Nadiah Mohd
Bupo, Godwin
Bwana, Kembo M., college of business education (Tanzania, United Republic of)
Bwisa, Henry
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Business Management and Strategy ISSN 2157-6068
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