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Dec, Pawel, Warsaw School of Economics (Poland)
Dehghan, Ali, Department of Engineering Management, College of Technology, Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, MI, USA (United States)
DEMİRDAĞ, Şerif Ahmet, Gazi University Faculty of Tourism (Turkey)
Dimitropoulos, Panagiotis E., Department of Sport Management University of Peloponnese (Greece)
Doraisamy, Logama, Putra Business School (Malaysia)
Doroudi, Homa
Dung, Nguyen Thi Thuy
Ekure, Martha Abeja
Elepu, Gabriel
Enongene, Gabriel Nnoko
Enongene, Gabriel Nnoko
Ensari, M. Şebnem
Entebang, Harry
Erick, Mwambuli
Eser, Gül
Esowe, Susannash Limunga, The ICT University USA- Cameroon Campus (Cameroon)
Essien, Adebolaji Ekong
Fadly Habidin, Nurul
Fadzlin Mohd Zubir, Anis
Fang, Cheng-Hsi
Fardmehregan, Sogand, Department of Management, Ershad University of Damavand (Iran, Islamic Republic of)
Farokhi, Mohammad Nazari
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Business Management and Strategy ISSN 2157-6068
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