A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z All
Al-Omar, Hana O, Department of Quantitative Methods and Information Systems Kuwait University (Kuwait)
Al-Omari, Mohammad Ahmad, Ajloun National University
Al-Onizat, Sabah Hasan, The World Islamic sciences & Education University (W.I.S.E ( (Jordan)
AL-Qatawneh, Ahmad Hani
AL-Rabadi, Wail Minwer
Al-Rafai, Adnan I, Department of Mathematics and Statistics University of Vermont (United States)
Al-rsa’i, Mohammed S.
Al-shammari, Manal
Al-Smadi, Marwan Saleh, Department of Education and Psychology, Najran University, KSA (Saudi Arabia)
AL-Sulami, Abrar
AL-Thneibat, Mohammad Abd alrahman
Alahmad, Badr, Dept. of Library and Information sciences, University of North Texas (United States)
Alakrash, Lamia
Alam, A. K. M. Badrul, PhD Researcher Faculty of Education Southwest University (China)
Alamoudi, Dalal
Alamoudi, Reem
Alamri, Abdulrahman, UNT (United States)
Albari, Qasem Nawaf, Faculty member (Jordan)
ALBdour, Noor Talal, AL Hussien bin Talal U UNIVERSITY / Jordan (Jordan)
Alebous, Tahani (Jordan)
Aleinikov, Andrei G.
Alenizi, Mogbel Aid, NBU, KSA (Saudi Arabia)
Alfarhoud, Yousef T., Dept. of Library and Information sciences, University of North Texas (United States)
Alghamdi, Yahya
Alharbi, Sami H.
Alhassan, Abdulaziz, Dept. of Library and Information sciences, University of North Texas (United States)
Alhassan, Eliasu
Alhomoud, Faisal Abdullah
Ali, Dayana Farzeeha, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia (Malaysia)
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International Journal of Education ISSN 1948-5476
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