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Zachos, Dimitris Thomas, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Lecturer in Pedagogy Fuculty of Education School of Primary Education (Greece)
Zafiropoulou, Vasiliki
Zagkos, Christos, Researcher, Centre for the educational policy development (KANEP/GSEE) (Greece)
Zagkos, Christos, Centre for Educational Policy Development (KANEP/GSEE) (Greece)
Zagkos, Christos, Researcher, Center of Educational Policy Development (KANEP/GSEE) (Greece)
Zahari, Nur Syamimi, UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA (Malaysia)
Zahra-Micallef, Marouska
Zainal Abiddin, Norhasni
Zarezadeh, Yadolah, Newcastle University (United Kingdom)
Zeng, Jincheng, Hunan University of Humanity, Science and Technology (China)
Zerpa, Carlos, Faculty of Education, University of Lakehead, 955 Oliver Road, Thunder Bay, Canada
Zeyab, Alaa Jaber, The Public Authority For Applied Education and Training (Kuwait)
Zhou, Hua-zhen, Chinese Youth University of Political Science (China)
Zhu, Lin
Zogahib, André Luis Nunes, Amazonas Federal Institute - IFAM (Brazil)
Zulu, Africa
Zur, Yael
1 - 18 of 18 Items
International Journal of Education ISSN 1948-5476
Email: ije@macrothink.org
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