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Lindberg, Erik
Lindgren, Britt-Marie
Lindgren, Marie Ringborg
Lindster Norberg, Eva-Lena
Ling, Ying-Leh
Linke, Knut, University of Applied Sciences Weserbergland (Germany)
Liossi, Foteini, Med, Higher Education Policy, University of Patras (Greece)
Liu, Qiang
Louhevaara, Veikko, University of Eastern Finland, School of Medicine, Institute of Public Health and Clinical Nutrition P.O. Box 1627 FI-70211 Kuopio Finland
Loureiro, Rúben
Lu, Hsin-Lin, Fu Jen Catholic University, New Taipei City, Taiwan (Taiwan, Province of China)
Luiza, Kakissi
Lulu, Elizabeth Genda, Mzumbe University, Tanzania


Maag, John W.
Madden, John S., University of Oklahoma (United States)
Mahmoud, Salameh Saleem, King Abdulaziz University/ The Faculty of Engineering
Makewa, Lazarus Ndiku, University of Eastern Africa, Baraton, Kenya
Managoy, Shilly Mae Booc.
Maria, Kalathaki
Maria, Kampouropoulou, Macrothink Institute (United States)
Maria, Kampouropoulou, University of the Aegean (Greece)
Marley, Scott C.
Marshall, Emily Hatheway
Martin, Julie P., Clemson University (United States)
Martins, Albert

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