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Maag, John W.
Madden, John S., University of Oklahoma (United States)
Mahmoud, Salameh Saleem, King Abdulaziz University/ The Faculty of Engineering
Makewa, Lazarus Ndiku, University of Eastern Africa, Baraton, Kenya
Managoy, Shilly Mae Booc.
Maria, Kalathaki
Maria, Kampouropoulou, Macrothink Institute (United States)
Maria, Kampouropoulou, University of the Aegean (Greece)
Marley, Scott C.
Marshall, Emily Hatheway
Martin, Julie P., Clemson University (United States)
Martins, Albert
Matekere, Yona, Mzumbe University
Mathur, Sarup R., Arizona State University (United States)
McBride, Stephen
McDonald, Lyn, Faculty of Education University of Auckland (New Zealand)
McDonald, Lyn
McGinn, Noel
McKelfresh, David A., Colorado State University (United States)
McLain, Terrill Reid, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (Korea, Republic of)
Mehlhorn, Joey
Mehlhorn, Joey, University of Tennessee at Martin (United States)
Mendonça, Marta (Mozambique)
Mickleborough, Tim
Miller, Matthew K., Clemson University (United States)

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