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A. Oweidat, Abdallah
Abderrahim, Ghassoub, Center of Educational Guidance and Planning, Rabat (Morocco)
Abdullah, Abdul Ghani Kanesan, School of Educational Studies Universiti Sains Malaysia
Abdullah, Abdul Ghani Kanesan, Universiti Sains Malaysia (Malaysia)
Abdullah, Nor Azura
Abedi, Ahmad
Abellaneda, Judith B, Macrothink Institute (United States)
Abiddin, Norhasni Zainal
Abidin, Mohamad Jafre Zainol
Aboagye, Godwin Kwame, University of Cape Coast (Ghana)
Aboomar, Rima
Aboud, Farida, PhD Candidate at Eastern Mediterranean University (Cyprus)
Abu Salah, Mervat Saleh, Assistant Professor, UNRWA (Jordan)
Abukhalifeh, Alaa Nimer
Adegoke, Adesina Benson, Institute of Education, University of Ibadan, Nigeria (Nigeria)
Adegoke, Benson Adesina, Institute of Education, University of Ibadan, Nigeria (Nigeria)
Adesope, Olusola, Washington State University-Pullman (United States)
Aduko, Edmund Anamboi, Gbewaa College of Education, Pusiga (Ghana)
Afari, Ernest
Afsaneh, Kalbasi
Aghaei, Khadijeh, Islamic Azad University( Gonbad Kavoos Branch), Iran (Iran, Islamic Republic of)
Aghajani, Houri, University of University (Iran, Islamic Republic of)
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Journal of Studies in Education ISSN 2162-6952
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