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Ibrahim, AbdulMahmoud Idrees, Thadiq college, Shaqra Universty (Saudi Arabia)
Ibrahim, Ibrahim Ragab Abbas
Ibrahim, Prof.Masoumah, Public Authority of Applied Education and Training (Kuwait)
Ibrahim, Sapon bin
Ilibašić, Svetlana, Institute for the Improvement of Education, Belgrade, (Serbia)
Iman, Solmaz
Imonje, Rosemary Khitieyi, Macrothink Institute (United States)
INCE, Zuhal, Yakın Doğu Universty, Kıbrıs (Turkey)
Iorio, Michael F, Loma Linda University (United States)
Irawati Al Muhdhar, Mimien Henie, ok (Indonesia)
Isa Alshoraty, Yazid
Islam, Mohammad. Nurul
Islam, Monjurul, University of Malaya and Pundra University of Science & Technology (Bangladesh)
Ismail, Ahmed Mohammed Bani
Ismail, Hairul Nizam
Ismail, Shaik Abdul Malik Mohamed
Ito, Hiroshi (United States)
1 - 18 of 18 Items
Journal of Studies in Education ISSN 2162-6952
Email: jse@macrothink.org
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